Friday, April 18, 2014

New bike and first triathlon of the season

Well, friends, a lot has happened since my last post.  First and foremost, I learned on April 4 that I earned tenure and promotion at my university.  Woohoo!!  After the way 2013 tried to kick my ass, I kicked right back last summer as I prepared my dossiers for submission.  The Killers' "All These Things That I've Done" served as a backdrop to my work and my tri training last year.  I still love it:

After Matt and I celebrated this accomplishment, my dad surprised us by driving down for a visit.  Then the three of us went to the Bicycle Pedaler where I did what I'd been planning to do since last summer.  In my mom's hospital room, after my last tri of the season, my parents celebrated my birthday by giving me a starter fund for a road bike (so I could quit using my hybrid during races and training).  My mom told me to go out right then and purchase a bike, but I hesitated.  Newly single and unsure of how long I'd have my job prior to earning tenure, I wanted to wait. 

On April 5, I stopped waiting, and I got myself a road bike!  I don't have a photo yet, but here's a link to an old ad for the bike.  If my mom were still here, I know she'd love it.  Matt and I went for a couple rides before the Spring Migration Triathlon this past Sunday ... a triathlon that we prepared for on Saturday by standing at 21st and Wanamaker in Topeka, raising funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  Eight of us raised $2300.00 in 6 hours.  Woot!  Thanks, Topeka!

The Spring Migration Tri was a blast.  Matt, Brock, and I all performed well and finished within minutes of each other.  The swim was indoors, the bike was outdoors and flat (a little windy), and the run was hilly.  With our coach Todd, my dad, and my aunt cheering us on, we finished before the high winds, thunderstorms, and snow (!!) moved in later in the day. 

Today I had another kickass swim with my coach Angie and teammate David.  She knows how to get the best out of us with lots of strength drills, hypoxic work, and distance sets.  What a great couple of weeks it's been!