Saturday, January 30, 2016

Pouring the Foundation!

Late this past week, Matt visited the site and took video of the builders pouring the walls.  Here's the video (look how cute he is!):

And here are some fun photos from today, Jan. 30:

Pouring the footing!!

During the last week of January, our builder poured the footing, and Matt took lots of photos.  Here is a sampling:

Digging the basement

Well, things have been rolling right along in 2016!  This past week, the builder began digging the basement:

And Matt continued chopping wood from the Silver Maple:

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Silver Maple Tree Removal

Wichita Tree Service came out on Dec. 30-31 to remove the large Silver Maple in the middle of the lot.  We had hoped to keep the tree, but it's location and age made it a likely culprit for damaging our new home at some point in the near future.

Here's a video Wichita Tree Services posted on its Facebook page:

And here are some photos we took:

This is Matt and Robert watching the video of the tree falling at the site after we arrived: