Monday, November 30, 2015

Backyard Clean-up Part I

On November 21, while Katie was away at the NCTE Convention, Matt busted his buns clearing a path from the backyard to the river and burned the brush in a bonfire.  He encountered lots of thorny vines, and his hands took quite a beating, even with fancy gloves from the Home Depot.

Here's the video he created:

As of today, the old house is still standing.  We are keeping our fingers crossed that our builder will be able to take it down this week.  All the rain this past weekend did not help, but Kansas can always use more precipitation, right?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Thank you for letting us be a part of your adventure! It sounds like Little House On the Prairie, I think you could write a book Katie, you would be a good author. You have a lot of energy and talent and I love how you and Matt work together.

  3. Thanks, Aunt Carol! Thanks for letting us update you on our journey. We are looking forward to the day when we can invite the whole family down for a meal and games (outdoors, indoors). We will have room to entertain--and room for people to stay overnight (if the want). Love you!
