Saturday, June 24, 2023

Our First Half-Ironman Distance Triathlon (70.3) - Oklahoma City (2018)

In 2018, to celebrate milestone birthdays, we spent 26 weeks of the spring and summer training with our friends Mason, Octavio, Gary, and Angie to complete Oklahoma City’s Redman 70.3 Triathlon (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run). To provide an idea of the work we put in, Katie reviewed her training log, and between April mid-September, she had swum 161 kilometers, biked 1322 miles, run 253 miles, and done 655 pull-ups and chin-ups.

On the morning of September 22, 2018, at Lake Heffner in Oklahoma City, the weather was cool and breezy. In fact, the water temperature was warmer than the air temperature at the start of the race.

We couldn't have asked for a better first 70.3 experience. Cool temps, beautiful course, awesome volunteers, encouraging fellow athletes, and our best tri buddies, Gary and Angie on the journey with us. Matthew killed it in 6:05 and was at the finish line waiting for Katie with a big hug and kiss. Words can't describe the feeling of running down the finishers’ shoot. Katie set a modest goal of finishing in less than 8 hours and finished in 6:52. The months of training in heat, wind, and humidity paid off. The wind on race day didn't phase us, and the pleasing temps made the experience all the more joy-filled. We are beyond grateful to have made this journey together, and we look forward to our next adventure!

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